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Image by Patrick Fore

Barbara Writes

                               Themes & Variations

Blog: Welcome

Last In Line

Where is the outrage? Texas has just put a bounty on women’s heads, has just declared open season on women seeking an abortion, and other...

The Rules

For most of my adolescent and adult life, I’ve taken to writing letters to newspapers when something, usually political, gets me mad. At...

Up In Smoke: A Meditation on Addiction

UP IN SMOKE: A Meditation on Addiction When I told my eldest grandson, hereafter referred to as EG (for Eldest Grandson) to protect his...

Pretty; Advantage or Handicap?

I suspect that many of you have seen this picture posted recently on my Facebook page, and I thank all who responded. Now I’d like to...

ROCKAWAY, JULY 4th, 2021

July 4th is a holiday that I’ve always approached with ambivalence. I’ve never been a flag flyer, and have preferred to leave...

What Are We Now?

How the last four years have dimmed my hope for democracy.

It's Not My Native Language

Way back in the 1970’s, my cousin Erica gave me a poster. It had a drawing of a confused looking little guy on it, holding a bouquet of...

Our Lady of 231st Part II

So, there my mother was in Elmhurst, an elegant grocer’s wife, taking her children in to Manhattan weekly for music lessons, where we...

Lowering the Barr

I wanted to post a song tonight, but it’s not a night for singing. I watched the President of the United States be impeached today for...

The “Ism” That Dare Not Speak It’s Name

The new year is always a time of reflection to me. I’m not into resolutions, having broken too many of them. Nonetheless, it does feel...

Maybe, Just Maybe You Can Go Home Again (Part 2)

In my last blog, I left you on a bitterly cold February day in 2011, as my reluctant husband, Liam, and I drove out to Far Rockaway, to...

My Magic Place

My last posts have been about my city (New York, of course), and my neighborhood, the West Village. That got me started thinking about...

Sing Out

Summer’s over. Pandemic’s not. No more easy porch socializing, outdoor dining, quasi-normal activities. My haunts are closed. I sing and...

Blog: Blog2
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